Thursday, May 7, 2009

A story of insanity.

This was the day my sister and I attempted the unthinkable. 

We tried to do a photo shoot of a 6 month old, outside, without a fence, with a 3 year old, a 2 year old and no fairy godmother (aka our mom- the great Yoj). 

There were pizza covered hands and fabrics exploding out of bags. There was also Miles sweetly relieving himself in the bushes behind my back and Hazel stripping down to do the same. I think the workers had quite the show.

I'm not sure if we were delusional or just gluttons for punishment. Either way, we attempted, and time-outed, wiped the sweat from our brow, and smiled because at the end of all of the insanity was this:


in the middle of things there was also this:

which led to this:
and because these two love and fight like siblings, it quickly returned to this:

At the end o
f the day it was about
 good friends taking turns stealing each other's bedding, 
wiping each others boogers,


and taking naps in the sun. 


And maybe 
it was a little about some  mothers who were ready for naps of their own. 


henderson family said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE those pictures!!! ALL of them! Loved the day even amidst the insanity. Love you!! Thanks Ame...

Sarah D said...

Amy! I am love the pictures! It may have been crazy to you... but these pictures are priceless! Love them!