it started out innocent enough.
"mom, what are you doing?" he waddles out from his bedroom to me- bleary eyed at the computer at 1:00 am.
"hey bud, what's going on sweetie?"
he snuggles into my shoulder, his cheeks flushed with sleep.
"i think i need to go to the bathroom."
1, missisippi, 2 missisippi.
yeah, his assumption was accurate. two more times and his dinner is EVERYWHERE.
we run.
"nate" I call from the bathroom, "we need you."
he came, we cleaned, miles lay down on the floor. it was 3:30 before i lay down next to him.
every 45 minutes, we start again.
he's on the couch, i lay on the ottoman next to him, my calves hanging off the end, my hand on his back. with every twitch, i lunge for the bowl. three times, he doesn't make it, and i'm covered in mommy-responsibility.
at 6:10 am, he grabbs the bowl, i hand him a sip of water, he collapses backwards onto the floor. i tuck a blanket around his face.
"sank you mamma."
i smile.