I'm a little late in announcing this, but I wanted to do a little post for my new nephew Drew! {Miles is so excited to have another little boy on my side of the family to balance out all that estrogen.}
He's ridiculously cute and I just want to *SQUEEZE* the stuffing right out of him. Thankfully, it was a very fast and smooth delivery-though I do have a bone to pick about the timing.
I told Alisa earlier in the day that whenever she decided to have the baby, she just needed to do it at a respectable hour. {Last time my mom and I spent the night on the conference room floor waiting-not very amusing, but worth it} She, however, did not listen to me. I got a call at 1:30am, just an hour and a half after my tired little head hit the pillow. Very sweet.
Needless to say, I zipped to the hospital, called my sister in Chicago and my devastated-vacationing mom in San Fran, and 3 hours later, the man of the hour arrived. Just before 5:00am.
It was such an indescribeable experience to be there to welcome a new little one into the world. Beautiful. Alisa did so well and there were no complications which was a HUGE sigh of relief. I'm so proud of my baby sis {and mother of TWO?!!-man I'm old}. She is such an amazing woman and I feel so blessed to have her in my life. So, thanks for letting me be a part of your day. I love you guys!
{on a side note, I still have her maternity pictures to post that were taken THE DAY BEFORE she went in to labor. Talk about "in the nick of time". For someone a day away from giving birth, she was annoyingly GORGEOUS. You'll know what I mean when you see them.}
p.s. I realize these photos aren't perfect technically (high ISO, no flash etc.), but I LOVE them. So be kind:)

{my Dad's very appropriate shirt:) }

{a rare shot of yours truly enjoying a little slice of heaven}